Take Care

Sunday, December 04, 2011

(A.A Chambray Button Up, William Rast x Target Utility Pants, Sam Edelman Clog Boot) 

Last night was my post birthday/welcome to NYC dinner. The majority of my friends are living in the city either in beautiful little apartments   (Christina, Jonas and I are coming over to to take over soon), or in various campuses in Manhattan. Everyone else is either commuting to the city on a daily basis to visit friends/family/boyfriends. I love getting everyone together in one room to laugh about obnoxious things and reminisce on the time we spend together. It's the greatest feeling :) My mind is always buzzing and I'm always going a hundred miles per hour, being with this group is therapeutic. Everything stops, I'm not focussed on anything, I'm just simply breathing.

I'm usually glued to my camera but for some reason I just wanted to soak it all in and enjoy every single second; that I didn't end taking any pictures at all. Luckily I was in good blogger company so I can steal some of Lauren'sChristina'sMariah's and Maria's. Thank you all for coming and for bringing me birthday gifts but most of all for being sweet friends.


  1. You are right sometimes you have to just soak up the time with your friends instead of taking pictures. You look great in this outfit.

  2. Yaaa I had so much fun! MY apartment is fully decorated you'll have to come see haha.

